Over Two Decades of Expertise

Gateway Bed Bugs is the newest initiative of business owner Daniel DeRousse, a name with over 20 years of pest control experience. What started as a local initiative in the Metro East area has blossomed into a well-respected name in pest control, extending our reach to the greater St. Louis area. Our deep understanding of local pests and their behaviors sets us apart. Our journey has been one of continuous growth and learning, driven by our dedication to staying ahead in pest control solutions and technologies. Our focus on bed bug extermination is more than a service – it's a commitment to safeguarding our community's health and comfort.

Gateway Bed Bugs is more than just a business; it's a family passion. At the heart of our operations are Daniel, Ty, and Zack DeRousse, each bringing their unique skills and dedication to the table. Our team extends beyond the family, encompassing skilled professionals who share our commitment to excellence. Together, we form a cohesive unit, blending experience, innovation, and a personal touch to deliver unparalleled service. When you choose us, you're not just getting experts; you're getting a family devoted to solving your pest problems.

Meet the Team

  • Ty DeRousse

    Ty is a loyal, hardworking son first, and a pest control expert second.

  • Dan "The Bug Man" DeRousse

    Dan has been fighting bed bugs for over 20 years. In that time, he’s managed to start a thriving business from scratch and grow it into a regional brand.

  • Zack DeRousse

    The newest member of our team. Zach is fast approaching an associate’s degree!

Your Trusted Partner in Pest Control

Why choose Gateway Bed Bugs? Because we embody the values that matter. Our professionalism and precision in pest control are unmatched. We bring a personable and hospitable touch to our services, thanks to our family-oriented approach. Efficiency isn't just a promise; it's a guarantee. We respond swiftly and work diligently to resolve your pest issues. Our expertise, combined with our commitment to speed and efficiency, ensures that your pest problems are handled with the utmost care and effectiveness. Partner with us for peace of mind and a pest-free environment.