Frequently Asked Questions

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, elusive pests that thrive in the nooks and crannies of our living spaces. They feed on human blood, often leaving itchy, red bites. Recognizing bed bugs is key to early intervention. They are reddish-brown, oval-shaped, and about the size of an apple seed. These pests are notorious for their resilience and rapid reproduction. They're not just confined to beds; they can hide in furniture, luggage, and even clothing. Understanding their behavior and habitat is the first step in effective control and prevention.

How do I prevent them?

Preventing bed bugs starts with vigilance. Regularly inspect your sleeping areas and furniture, especially after traveling or buying used items. Use protective covers for mattresses and box springs to detect infestations early. Keep your living areas clean and clutter-free to reduce hiding spots. When traveling, inspect hotel rooms and keep luggage off the floor. Remember, prevention is always easier than eradication. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and keep your environment bed bug-free.

Why use GreenTech heat treatment?

Heat treatment stands out as the most effective method for bed bug extermination, and our GreenTech Heat Treatment is at the forefront. Why is it superior? Heat penetrates every corner of an infested area, reaching spots where chemicals can't. It's a chemical-free solution, making it safe for your home and the environment. Unlike other methods, heat treatment can eliminate bed bugs at all life stages, including the eggs. This means a single, comprehensive treatment can suffice to eradicate an infestation. Choose the GreenTech Heat Treatment for a safe, thorough, and eco-friendly solution to your bed bug problems.

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