We Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast

When it comes to bed bugs, Gateway offers more than just treatment; we provide peace of mind. Our skilled technicians are experts in identifying and eliminating bed bugs swiftly, ensuring your environment is thoroughly cleared of these elusive pests. Using the latest techniques and tools, we target bed bugs in all hiding spots, guaranteeing a bed bug-free zone in your home or business.

Act now, before they multiply.

Delaying bed bug treatment can lead to rapid infestation. These pests multiply quickly, making early intervention crucial. Our team at Gateway Bed Bugs understands the urgency. We respond promptly to your calls, offering immediate solutions to prevent further spread. Remember, the faster you act, the easier it is to control and eliminate the bed bug problem.

We bring the heat 🔥

Our GreenTech Heat Treatment isn't just effective against live bed bugs; it's a death knell for their eggs too. This advanced method ensures complete eradication, leaving no room for future infestations. It's a safe, eco-friendly approach that protects your health and environment while delivering uncompromised results. Trust in our heat treatment to get the job done thoroughly, without the need for chemical interventions.


Not just bed bugs.

While bed bugs are our specialty, our expertise doesn't end there. Gateway Bed Bugs, a part of Gateway Pest Services, offers comprehensive solutions for various pests including mice, termites, cockroaches, and spiders. Whatever your pest problem, we have the skills and technology to tackle it effectively. Gateway is your one-stop solution for all pest-related woes.

Whatever your pest problem is, give us a call today.