5 Common Myths About Bed Bugs Debunked

Bed bugs are shrouded in misinformation, leading to ineffective prevention and treatment methods. At Gateway Bed Bugs, we encounter numerous myths that can exacerbate bed bug problems. Let's set the record straight by debunking five common myths.

1. Myth: Bed Bugs Only Live in Dirty Places
Debunked: Cleanliness is not a deterrent for bed bugs. They are attracted to warmth, blood, and carbon dioxide, not dirt or grime. Bed bugs can thrive in immaculate environments as long as they have access to their food source: human blood. Keeping your space clean can help in spotting these pests early but won't prevent an infestation.

2. Myth: Bed Bugs Transmit Diseases
Debunked: There's no scientific evidence to suggest that bed bugs transmit diseases to humans. While their bites can cause itching and allergic reactions, the risk of them spreading disease is currently considered minimal. However, the psychological and physical discomfort they cause is reason enough to address infestations promptly.

3. Myth: Bed Bugs are Too Small to See with the Naked Eye
Debunked: Adult bed bugs are actually visible. They're about the size of an apple seed (approximately 5 millimeters) and can be seen without magnification. Nymphs and eggs are smaller and harder to detect, but adults and their droppings are usually identifiable upon close inspection.

4. Myth: Bed Bugs Can Fly
Debunked: Bed bugs do not have wings and cannot fly. They move by crawling quickly, especially in the dark. Their mobility is limited to crawling, but they can travel across floors, walls, and ceilings. This makes it easy for them to spread from room to room or hitch a ride on luggage, clothing, and furniture.

5. Myth: DIY Methods are Always Effective in Eliminating Bed Bugs
Debunked: While some DIY methods can reduce bed bug populations, they are rarely effective in completely eradicating an infestation. Professional treatments, like our GreenTech Heat Treatment, are usually necessary to fully eliminate bed bugs, especially considering their ability to hide and their resistance to certain pesticides.

Understanding the reality of bed bugs is crucial in effectively managing and eliminating them. If you're dealing with an infestation or want to ensure your home remains bed bug-free, reach out to Gateway Bed Bugs for professional, effective, and eco-friendly solutions. Remember, knowledge is your best defense against these persistent pests.


Bed Bug Hotspots: Identifying Risk Areas in Your Home


The Lifecycle of a Bed Bug: From Egg to Nuisance